Any Subject
ABEC - Animal Behavior, Ecology, & Conservation-ABEC
ABR - Study Abroad - ABR
ACC - Accounting - ACC
ALH - Allied Health - ALH
ANT - Anthropology - ANT
ANZ - Anthrozoology - ANZ
ARBC - Arabic - ARBC
ARTS - Creative & Performing Arts - ARTS
ASL - American Sign Language - ASL
ATH - Athletic Training - ATH
BCH - Biochemistry - BCH
BIF - Bioinformatics - BIF
BIO - Biology - BIO
BUS - Business
CANC - Canisius College Success
CDM - Career Decision Making - CDM
CHI - Chinese - CHI
CHM - Chemistry - CHM
CLG - Greek - CLG
CLL - Latin - CLL
CLS - Classics - CLS
COM - Communication Studies - COM
CRJ - Criminal Justice - CRJ
CSC - Computer Science - CSC
CSH - Community & School Health -CSH
CTH - Catholic Studies
DAT - Data Analytics - DAT
DMA - Digital Media Arts - DMA
ECCH - Early Childhood/Childhood-ECCH
ECO - Economics - ECO
EDA - Education Administration - EDA
EDAD - Adolescence Education - EDAD
EDC - Counselor Education - EDC
EDCH - Childhood Education- EDCH
EDD - Educators of Deaf - EDD
EDDI - Differentiated Instruction - EDDI
EDE - Elementary Education - EDE
EDR - Graduate Literacy - EDR
EDS - Secondary Education - EDS
EDT - Educational Technologies - EDT
EDU - Teacher Education - EDU
EDY - Early Childhood Ed - EDY
EGR - Engineering EGR
EMC - Middle Childhood Education - EMC
ENG - English - ENG
ENT - Entrepreneurship - ENT
ENV - Environmental Science - ENV
ESL - English as a Second Language - ESL
EVST - Environmental Studies - EVST
FAH - Fine Arts - Art History - FAH
FAM - Fine Arts - Music - FAM
FAS - Fine Arts - Studio Arts - FAS
FIN - Finance - FIN
FRC - French - FRC
FYS - Explore Academic Writing - FYS
GEO - Geography - GEO
GEOL - Geology - GEOL
GER - German - GER
GRIF - Freshmen First Year Exp - GRIF
HED - Health & Physical Education - HED
HELA - Higher Ed Leadership and Admin - HELA
HESA - Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration
HHP - Health & Human Perform - HHP
HIS - History - HIS
HIT - Health Information Technology - HIT
HON - College Honors Program - HON
HRP - Health Related Professions-HRP
HSV - Human Services - HSV
IBUS - International Business - IBUS
IEI - Informal Education & Interpretation
IGSR - Global Study of Religion-IGSR
ISB - Information Systems (Business) - ISB
ITA - Italian - ITA
JRN - Journalism - JRN
KIN - Kinesiology - KIN
LAW - Business Law - LAW
LEG - Legal Careers - LEG
MAT - Mathematics & Statistics - MAT
MBA - Master of Business Administration - MBA
MDT - Medical Lab Sciences - MDT
MGT - Management - MGT
MKT - Marketing - MKT
MLS - Military Science - MLS
MSA - Sport Administration - MSA
MSF - Forensic Accounting - MSF
NTR - Applied Nutrition-NTR
OTT - Online Teaching & Training - OTT
PAS - Physician Assistant Studies - PAS
PED - Physical Education - PED
PEG - Physical Education (Graduate) - PEG
PHI - Philosophy - PHI
PHY - Physics - PHY
PLA - Prior Learn Assessment - PLA
POL - Polish - POL
PORT - Portuguese - PORT
PSC - Political Science - PSC
PSY - Psychology - PSY
RES - Respiratory Care - RES
RST - Religious Studies - RST
SOC - Sociology - SOC
SPA - Spanish - SPA
SPD - Sport Product Development - SPD
SPE - Special Education - SPE
SPMT - Sport Management - SPMT
TESL - Teaching ESL - TESL
URS - Urban Studies - URS
WST - Women & Gender Studies - WST
Any Department
Accounting Dept
Animal Behavior Ecol Cons Dept
Biology Dept
Chemistry Dept
Classics Dept
College Honors Prgm
Communication Studies Dept
Computer Science Dept
Counseling & Human Serv Dept
Criminal Justice Prgm
Data Analytics Prgm
Differentiated Instruct Prgm
Economics & Finance Dept
Ed Admin/Supervision Prgm
Ed of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Stu
Ed Technologies Prgm
English as A Second Language
English Dept
Fine Arts Dept
First Year Seminar
Higher Ed Student Aff Adm Prgm
History Dept
Inst Study of Global Religions
Kinesiology Dept
Literacy Prgm
Management Dept
Marketing/Information Sys Dept
Mathematics & Statistics Dept
Medical Lab Science Prgm
Military Science Dept
Modern Languages Dept
Office of Professional Studies
Philosophy Dept
Physician Asst Studies Prgm
Physics Dept
Political Science Dept
Psychology Dept
ReligiousStudies/Theology Dept
Sociol/Crim Just/Env Stu Dept
Teacher Education Dept
Wehle School of Business
Core Field or Capstone
Any Core Field or Capstone
Field 1 - Religious Studies and Theology
Field 2 - Philosophy
Field 3 - Literature and the Arts
Field 4 - History
Field 5 - Social Sciences
Field 6 - Natural Sciences
Field 7 - Mathematical Sciences
Core Capstone
Core Attribute
Any Core Attribute
Global Awareness
Advanced Writing Intensive
Oral Communication