Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration - HESA
HESA 501 Organization and Administration of Higher Education 3 Credits
An introduction to the organization and administration of higher education leadership as a profession, specific job responsibilities and competencies, types of institutions of higher education, current issues, and professional ethics. Also includes a focus on organizational theory and the mission of the institution.
Offered: every fall
HESA 510 History and Foundations of Higher Education and Student Affairs 3 Credits
Students will examine the development and governance of colleges and universities in the United States, including the role of faculty, the rise of student affairs, the role of state and federal government, and the changing understanding of diversity. Emphasis is placed on locating current issues within their historical context.
Offered: every spring.
HESA 520 Student Development in Higher Education 3 Credits
Provides an introduction to student development theory and a profile of contemporary college students. Theories of identity development, involvement, and learning will be considered. In addition, the relationship of theory to practice in student affairs will be explored, along with issues related to diversity.
Offered: every fall.
HESA 530 Methods of Research 3 Credits
The nature of social science inquiry with specific implications for higher education. Introduction to research design and ethics. Introduction to both quantitative and qualitative methods of research.
Offered: every fall.
HESA 535 Assessment and Advanced Research 3 Credits
Applies methods of research learned in HESA 530 to practical issues of assessment. Students will learn to write literature reviews, conduct applied research, and present findings.
Prerequisite: HESA 530
Offered: every spring.
HESA 540 Diversity, Inclusion, and Policy in Higher Education 3 Credits
This class is designed to increase students' understanding and appreciation of diverse populations, social justice issues, and inclusion within campus communities. Students will learn about historical law and policies that impacted diversity and equity in higher education.
Offered: every spring.
HESA 599 Independent Study 3 Credits
Independent studies require an application and approval by the associate dean.
Restriction: permission of the instructor, department chair, and associate dean.
HESA 601 HELA Capstone 0 Credits
The HELA Capstone is a course students take during their final semester in the program. Included in the course is preparation to go from student to professional including a number of career development activities. The students must also complete an ePortfolio which is a digital collection created by the masters candidate of their experiential and course-related work demonstrating their knowledge, understandings, and competence of the field of higher education.
Offered: every fall & spring.
HESA 620 Counseling and Helping Strategies for Student Success 3 Credits
Provides a working knowledge of counseling theories and helping skills to address the needs of students within the context of higher education. Introduction to mental health and exposure to preventative and communication strategies to assist college-aged students.
Offered: every fall.
HESA 665 Law and Policy of Higher Education Administration 3 Credits
An examination of the many ways federal, state, and local laws affect higher education administration. Issues include differences between public and private higher education, First Amendment issues, affirmative action, the requirements of federal laws such as FERPA, Clery, and Title IX, and other relevant case law. Includes an introduction to risk management.
Offered: every fall.
HESA 677 Leadership and Management in Higher Education 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide a capstone experience with the opportunity to learn more extensively about leadership, supervision, financial management, strategic planning, and higher education administration. Includes practical skills related to career advancement and development.
Offered: once a year.
HESA 680 Internship I 3 Credits
The first of two required internship experiences intended to broaden the student's understanding of the profession and help them to gain practical experience in specific jobs. Each internship requires 225 hours of supervised experience. Permission of the program director is required.
Prerequisite: successful completion of first year coursework. Restriction: permission of the HESAA program director.
Offered: every fall.
HESA 681 Internship II 3 Credits
The second of two required internship experiences intended to broaden the student's understanding of the profession and help them to gain practical experience in specific jobs. Each internship requires 225 hours of supervised experience. Permission of the program director is required.
Prerequisite: HESA 680 Restriction: permission of the HESAA program director.
Offered: every spring.
HESA 690 Special Topics 3 Credits
Seminar exploring contemporary issues and emerging trends relevant to higher education and student affairs that are not offered in other courses. Topics will be designated by instructor.
Offered: occasionally.
HESA 698 Comprehensive Seminar 3 Credits
This is a comprehensive seminar for the Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration (HESAA) program includes three parts: 1) comprehensive written exam based upon content in core curriculum courses, 2) comprehensive oral exam of a case study analysis, and 3) comprehensive project to create a high-impact student success program.
Prerequisite: successful completion of first year coursework.
Offered: every spring.
HESA 699 Independent Research 3 Credits
An original thesis research project or major assessment project that provides the opportunity to investigate a higher education topic of particular interest to the student. Under the direction of a thesis adviser, students will present and defend a research proposal, conduct a study using research methodology, locate that study in a literature review, and present their findings in a thesis format. Note: Students may also choose to fulfill the HESA 699 requirement through a comprehensive examination (written and oral) and by successfully completing a three-credit graduate elective course at Canisius University, chosen by the student and approved by the HESAA program director.
Prerequisite: successful completion of first year coursework. Restriction: permission of the HESAA program director based on successful presentation of proposal.
Offered: every spring.