Sport Administration - MSA
MSA 520 Leadership in Sport 3 Credits
This course will examine the concepts relating to efficient management and leadership of the sport industry. Emphasis will be placed on principles and techniques of management relating to programs, facilities, special events and personnel.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 530 Managing Sport Facilities 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide learning experiences in the administrative tasks of planning, managing, and operating various types of athletic facilities. Financial, legal, and safety issues relevant to operating facilities will be examined. In addition, management principles and concepts as they affect program selection and scheduling of sport and fitness facilities will also be examined.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 550 Strategic Sport Marketing 3 Credits
A study of marketing concepts with application to sport organizations. Topics include promotions and public relations, sport consumer behavior, strategic market planning, marketing information management, marketing communications, branding and sponsorship sales.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 560 Moral and Ethics in Sport 3 Credits
This course helps students establish a fundamental philosophy for sport in their personal and professional life. The course addresses the decision to be involved in sports in a professional capacity, the decisions that drive actions and decision-making in professional life and the formulation of a personal ethical code.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 565 Sport Communication 3 Credits
A study of basic knowledge and understanding of media relations in sport. Emphasis on building and managing an effective media relations program at the intercollegiate and professional levels. Examines news releases, home town features, contest management, press conferences, statistics and publications.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 599 Independent Study 1-3 Credits
Independent studies require an application and approval by associate dean.
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor, department chair, & associate dean.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 611 Risk Management and Contract Negotiation 3 Credits
This course is directed at understanding basic legal concepts in the sport setting. As a practical matter, the course will aid the student in recognizing how these legal concepts can be applied in the administration and management of sport programs, facilities and personnel.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 621 Rule Compliance Intercollegiate Athletics 3 Credits
This course will provide an overview of the NCAA's governance structure and legislative process, as well as the role of on-campus athletics compliance officers. Using case studies from the NCAA's major and secondary infractions database, students will examine each of the NCAA's operating bylaws: amateurism, recruiting, eligibility, financial aid, awards and benefits and playing and practice seasons. Students will learn how rules violations are investigated, reported and processed (and maybe even avoided), and how the role of the NCAA's enforcement staff and infractions committee impacts rules compliance in intercollegiate athletics.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 631 Intercollegiate Athletics 3 Credits
An introduction to the management of intercollegiate athletics and a review of the organizational structure of the intercollegiate athletic department, conferences and the NCAA. Analysis of prevailing issues in college athletics including financial trends, academic recruiting, legislation, conference realignment, reform and Title IX/gender equity.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 641 Professional Sport 3 Credits
This course is aimed at providing an overview of professional sports and their leagues, including organizational structure and the associated job market. The emphasis will be placed on sports outside of the four major leagues, such as the PGA, WNBA, LPGA, and NASCAR.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 650 Special Events 3 Credits
Overview of all elements involved in sport event management. Key components of the course include practical application at actual events and interaction with industry experts, as well as creation and implementation of a major class event to benefit a local charity. A strong emphasis is placed on coursework outside of the classroom environment.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 660 Sport Finance and Business 3 Credits
An overview of general business economics and financial principles. Topics include private and public sector funding, economic impact analysis, sponsorship, partnerships and fundraising related to sport and sport organizations.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 798 Internship in Sport Administration 3 Credits
Individually structured work-related independent research guided by a faculty/staff member. The goal is to integrate student's academic experience with that of the work place. Research report required.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 799 Internship in Sport Administration 1-6 Credits
Individually structured work-related independent research guided by a faculty/staff member. The goal is to integrate student's academic experience with that of the work place. Research report required.
Prerequisites: completion of all other required courses and the signature and approval of program director.
Offered: occasionally.
MSA 899 Practica for International Students 0 Credits
Allows the international student to learn and gain experience in the workings of a sport and/or entertainment organization in the United States.
Offered: occasionally.