Physical Education (Graduate) - PEG

PEG 506 Early Field Experience Elementary Physical Education 0 Credits

The teacher candidate will participate in K-6 elementary physical education. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will complete a 30 hour placement with an assigned local physical educator. This course must be completed at Canisius University.

Offered: fall & spring.

PEG 507 Early Field Experience Secondary Physical Education 0 Credits

The teacher candidate will participate in 7-12 secondary physical education. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will complete a 30 hour placement with an assigned local physical educator. This course must be completed at Canisius University.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 508 Early Field Experience Health 0 Credits

The teacher candidate will participate in K-12 school level health education. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will complete a 30 hour placement with an assigned local health educator. This course must be completed at Canisius University.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 511 Movement Education and Elementary Activities 3 Credits

Conceptual bases, perceptual-motor development and practical applications of movement education. Development, implementation and integration of a physical education program; teaching strategies geared to the elementary level classroom with emphasis on New York and national learning standards in Physical Education. Field experience required.

Restriction: limited to physical education graduate students.

Offered: spring.

PEG 525 School Health 3 Credits

Students explores the most prevalent health and safety issues of schoolaged children and youth and examines rationale for health education, theories, methods, strategies, and techniques of health education program planning. Additionally, students will plan effective comprehensive school health education programs: integration of school and community services. A mandatory 50 participation hours at a local school must be completed for a passing grade in this course.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: spring.

PEG 526 School Health Curriculum 3 Credits

Students will practice strategies and methodologies needed for effectively teaching health education. Students will participate in 50 hours of field experience, if they have not already done so, and will analyze experiences as a process to improving instruction. Students will demonstrate their ability to plan for instruction by writing and implementing learning experiences that meet the National Health Education Standards.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: fall.

PEG 536 Exercise Physiology 3 Credits

Covers the advanced study of concepts, principles, and research in the field of exercise physiology. Discusses advanced concepts in the muscular/neuromuscular, cardiovascular, ventilatory, endocrine, and metabolic responses to exercise and exercise training. Specific study of the physiological control mechanisms regulating these systems are also addressed during periods of rest, acute exercise, and following chronic exercise training.

Offered: every summer.

PEG 541 Teaching Methods in Physical Education 3 Credits

The teacher candidate will train for student teaching at the K-12 school level. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will finish a series of modules designed to bridge the gap between the college classroom and the teaching setting.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program; permission of program director.

Offered: every fall.

PEG 541BL Teaching Practicum in PE 0 Credits

The teacher candidate will train for student teaching at the K-12 school level. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will finish a series of modules designed to bridge the gap between the college classroom and the teaching setting. This course must be completed at Canisius University.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 541L Teaching Practicum in PE 0 Credits

The teacher candidate will train for student teaching at the K-12 school level. To successfully complete this experience the candidate will finish a series of modules designed to bridge the gap between the college classroom and the teaching setting.

Prerequisite: PEG 506, PEG 507, PEG 508, PEG 541 and PEG 571.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 554 Adapted Physical Education 3 Credits

Designed to provide students with an exposure to education, physical education, sport and recreational programming for children with disabilities. Content focuses on variety of disabilities eligible for service under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the ability to design, conduct, and assess a physical education program that is appropriate for this population.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: fall.

PEG 560 Motor Development 3 Credits

Examination of principles of growth and developmental theory with an emphasis on factors affecting changes in movement potential of individuals.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: fall.

PEG 565 Principles and Philosophy of Coaching 3 Credits

Coaching is a service activity, which can be experienced as a volunteer, as a paid part-time position or can lead to a full-time profession. The athletes we work with are children, young adults and students. Winning is an important aspect of coaching, however providing a positive athletic experience is essential. Winning may take a secondary role to the development of fundamental skills in many situations. This course focuses upon the principles of effective coaching including the role of the coach, practice planning, leadership styles, organization and management, ethics and values clarification, goal setting, communication, career objectives, coaching burn-out and sport psychology. The overriding theme examines the interpersonal strategies leading to a productive coach-athlete relationship.

Offered: every spring.

PEG 571 Assessment in Physical Education 3 Credits

This course will introduce the teacher candidate to assessment and its role in the physical education profession. Topics include fitness testing, integrating physical education assessment tools, and basic statistics. In addition, there will be a focus on the evaluation of the New York State Standards, authentic assessments and SHAPE America guidelines.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: spring.

PEG 580 Concepts of Teaching Sport Skills 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to give each student an in depth exposure to and an understanding of the various motor learning principles and factors influencing the acquisition of motor skills. The central focus of the course will be directed to the learning process. Age appropriate activities and instructional guidelines will be examined. This includes the variables related to the learner, the skills to be acquired and the instructional procedures that can be used by the physical educator, coach or exercise specialist.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: spring.

PEG 584 Capstone in Teaching Physical Education 3 Credits

The course is designed to synthesize learning from the program and capture current issues related to the physical education profession. Students will analyze, debate, and evaluate special topics through directed research of content and theory.

Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: summer online.

PEG 593 Student Teaching 9 Credits

Seven-week student teaching experience in an elementary school, Grades 1-6, and in a high school, Grades 7-12, culminating in preparation for teacher certification. Grade: Pass/Fail. The combination of PED 493, EDU 495, EDU 496, EDU 497, and EDU 498 during the student teaching semester will count as a full semester of three courses, 15 credit hours.

Prerequisite: permission of program director. Corequisite: EDU 597 & PEG 594. Restriction: must be in the physical education initial certification program.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 594 Student Teaching Seminar 0 Credits

Student Teaching Seminar enhances the student teaching experience through opportunities to foster professional growth and guided reflection on planning, instruction and assessment of learning. The course provides a professional learning community to assist candidates in the transition to careers in teaching.

Prerequisite: Permission of program director. Corequisite: EDU 597 & PEG 593. Restriction: physical education initial certification graduate students only.

Offered: every fall & spring.

PEG 609 Health and Cultural Awareness 3 Credits

A multicultural perspective of health, wellness and healing. Focus on health issues and concerns that ethnic minority populations face in the United States. Promotes awareness of the diversity of attitudes, values and beliefs from various cultural backgrounds. Explores traditional healing theories and practices of cultures across the world and their use among our ethnic populations today.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 611 Movement Education and Physical Activity 3 Credits

The course is designed as a practical and theoretical introduction into movement education and physical activity lesson planning. This course will facilitate an understanding of how physical educators can contribute to their school by being knowledgeable physical educators. Particular emphasis on: low organizational games and lessons and developmentally appropriate activities.

Offered: every spring.

PEG 612 Principles and Foundations of Holistic Health 3 Credits

An alternative and complimentary perspective on health and well-being. Focus on the most effective holistic approaches to illness and today's prevention and treatment opportunities. A comparison of holistic modalities to conventional medical practices.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 614 Healthy Behaviors and Alternative Medicine 3 Credits

Theory and content related to various topics in the field. May include topics such as reflexology, acupuncture, aromatherapy, meditation, massage, and herbal remedies.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 615 Statistics in Physical Education/Health 3 Credits

Descriptive statistical methods including central tendencies, dispersion standard scores, correlation, and probability theory will be addressed. The elements of test construction: table of specifications, reliability, validity and item analysis will be considered. Candidates will become familiar with norm referenced, criterion referenced and performance instruments and will study the diagnostic teaching model of instruction. Technology will be used to simulate evaluation and statistical analysis.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 616 International Health Perspectives 3 Credits

Examines the constantly evolving global health issues of the 21st century. Focus on international health problems and solutions to reduce human pain and suffering. Topics include globalization of international health, changing environmental conditions, nutritional challenges of developing countries and industrialized nations, epidemics of non-communicable and infectious disease, maternal and child health, comparison of health care systems and the future of world health.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 620 Leadership In Physical Education and Athletics 3 Credits

This course will examine the appropriate concepts relating to efficient management and leadership for physical education, sport and recreational settings. Principles and techniques of management associated with effective leaders of programs, personnel, facilities, and participants in the sport activity field.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 630 Physical Education for the Exceptional Individual 3 Credits

Principles and objectives of programming for exceptional individuals in physical activity. Diagnostic techniques, activity modifications, contraindicated activities and causes of disabilities.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 635 Administrative Principles of Physical Education/Athletics 3 Credits

The goal of the course will be to enable the student to develop skills needed to serve as an athletic director in a K-12 school district. Scheduling, safety, qualification of coaches, eligibility, and local league governance will be covered.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 645 Performance Enhancements and Interventions: Sports Psychology 3 Credits

Educates professionals in learning theoretical constructs and implementing related counseling interventions with athletes. Investigates the application of sport psychology/counseling strategies across many different fields and domains, such as physical education, counseling and sport administration.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 650 Analysis of Curriculum in Physical and Health Teaching 3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to examine the philosophy, objectives, analysis, development, and implementation of curriculum in physical education.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 651 Coaching Theory, Techniques and Exercise Psychology 3 Credits

Principles of effective coaching, including the role of the coach, practice planning, leadership theory, exercise science, sports psychology and teaching motor skills.

Offered: every spring.

PEG 660 Advanced Human Growth and Motor Development 3 Credits

The course is designed to study motor development across the lifespan. Special interest will be focused on early environmental influences on development. Students will study early environmental influences on motor development and will learn about factors such as nutrition, parents, alcohol, smoking, coaches and the many other environmental factors that effect the child's early development and review how their behaviors in and out the classroom influence a child's development.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 670 Advanced Teaching Methods in Physical Education 3 Credits

Examination of Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles in Physical Education. Focus will be on applying the teaching styles to various units in physical education.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 671 Authentic Assessment and Exercise Testing in Physical Education 3 Credits

Content and theory related to authentic and traditional exercise assessment in physical education. Development, implementation and assessment of authentic assessments in physical education is included.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 680 Research Methods in Physical & Health Education 3 Credits

Identification and delineation of research problems, survey of related literature and detailed examination of various research methods. Attention given to the presentation of research in both written and oral form.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 681 Legal Aspects in Physical Education and Athletics 3 Credits

The goal of the course is to enable the student to identify, analyze and understand legal issues and to discuss the ramifications of those issues in their professional lives. The course attempts to provide the student with an understanding of the legal principles relevant to educational and sport setting. The course considers the legal liabilities and responsibilities of athletic coaches, administrators and physical education instructors in the educational institutions, with review and discussion of current case law.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 684 Capstone in Teaching Physical Education and Health 3 Credits

Analysis and evaluation of issues, directed readings, and comprehensive exam of content and theory identified in the program. Professional portfolio developed.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 687 Contemporary Foundational Issues in Physical Education and Athletics 3 Credits

Focuses on current foundational issues which help define the field of Physical and Health and high school athletics. Students examine the resolution of issues for topics such as meeting the New York State Learning Standards, zero tolerance for substance abuse on athletic teams, sportsmanship, winning and losing, and the state of childhood obesity.

Offered: every summer.

PEG 691 Dir Field Experience 3,6 Credits

Dir Field Experience.

Offered: occasionally.

PEG 692 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies require an application and approval of the associate dean.

Offered: occasionally.