Criminal Justice - CRJ

CRJ 121 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 Credits

Analyze the US Criminal Justice System, focusing on the history, structure, and functioning of police, courts, corrections, and the juvenile delinquency system. This course highlights the inherent tension between security and civil rights within the larger context of US Criminal Justice System reforms.

Offered: every fall.

CRJ 222 Introduction to Criminology 3 Credits

This course introduces students to the critical analysis of crime from different theoretical perspectives. It analyzes the role that theories of crime have in defining criminal justice polices. It examines selected crimes, such as terrorism and white collar crimes, as examples of the critical concept of crime.

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CRJ 121.

Fulfills College Core: Field 5 (Social Sciences)

Offered: every spring.

CRJ 250 Criminal Law and Procedure 3 Credits

The substantive criminal law, including offenses against persons, property and public morality with emphasis on New York State Penal Law. Criminal responsibility and defenses. In addition key Supreme Court decisions on the criminal justice related constitutional amendments (4th, 5th, 6th and 8th amendments). Finally, Appeals and post-conviction relief will be discussed.

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CRJ 222.

Offered: every fall.

CRJ 275 Criminal Courts 3 Credits

This course will explore the legal, social and political institutions that affect the dynamics of the criminal process. Topics will include the adversarial process and the decision-making of different participants in the system. The course will also look at the interrelationships that affect and influence court decisions and justice. A thorough examination of this subject will lead to a better understanding of criminal courts and its function within the criminal justice system.

Prerequisite: CRJ 121 and CRJ 222.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 280 Legal Writing and Advocacy I 3 Credits

Explores the use of language in the administration of law, including ways to read and brief cases and to read statutes.

Fulfills College Core: Justice, Oral Communication

Offered: spring.

CRJ 285 Legal Writing and Advocacy II 3 Credits

Introduces undergraduates to the practical written and oral application of legal principles by giving them basic tasks a lawyer would perform. Students gain a basic knowledge of the legal system and legal culture, and they also learn to analyze fact situations to spot and present legal issues from different perspectives: the defense, the plaintiff/prosecutor, the judge, and law enforcement. Class discussion includes legal, political, social, and moral implications of facts and law necessary to understand fact- based legal scenarios and to complete the following written assignments expressing this understanding:

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive

Offered: every fall.

CRJ 300 Special Topics in Criminal Justice 3 Credits

Critical examination of a selected topic in criminal justice. Subject matter determined by the instructor.

CRJ 325 Corrections and Restorative Justice 3 Credits

Explores the history and theoretical assumptions of corrections in the US. It emphasizes the significance of social inequality, especially race/ethnicity, gender, and social class, for the understanding of crime and the criminal justice system. Restorative justice theory, practices, and policies are examined as tools to mitigate the harm of discriminatory practices in the administration of justice.

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CRJ 121 and CRJ 222.

Offered: every fall.

CRJ 330 Current Issues in Forensic Psychology 3 Credits

Application of the science of psychology to questions and issues relating to criminal law and the criminal justice system. Topics discussed include competency to stand trial, assessment of mental state for an insanity plea, and prediction of violence and assessment of risk.

Prerequisites: CRJ 227 and CRJ 228 or CRJ 121 and CRJ 222.

Offered: spring.

CRJ 336 Drug Treatment Courts 3 Credits

Examination of drug prohibition and the administration of diversional treatment courts and other treatment of drug offenders.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 337 Violence and the Family 3 Credits

How family dynamics can contain elements that give rise to violence, including 'battered women' and abused children.

Offered: fall & spring.

CRJ 345 Gangs in American Society 3 Credits

Examines the theoretical causes for the growth of gangs; including youth and criminal gangs. Topics include the social theories, measurement, and solutions.

CRJ 350 Policy Issues in the Administration of Criminal Justice 3 Credits

Critical examination of a selected policy related to criminal justice phenomenon. Subject matter determined by the instructor.

Prerequisite: None.

Offered: every spring.

CRJ 351 Police and the Community 3 Credits

Critical examination of the operation of all levels of law enforcement in America. Topics include the selection process, training, ethics, and police accountability.

CRJ 354 Juvenile Delinquency 3 Credits

Legal processes in juvenile delinquency as well as understanding and analysis of current practices and historic and contemporary issues. Suggested programs for rehabilitation and prevention of delinquency.

CRJ 356 Treatment of Offenders 3 Credits

Correction theory, offender typologies, and nature and diagnosis of offenders and future trends in dealing with criminal offenders.

CRJ 358 Green and White Collar Crime 3 Credits

Analyzes the definition, nature, extend and social cost of white and green collar crimes from both a legalistic and critical approach. Special attention is given on how perpetrators of white and green collar crimes avoid criminal prosecution and the role that the corporate structure has in avoiding the prosecution of these crimes.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 365 Criminalizing the Mentally Ill 3 Credits

This course examines the legal and policy issues regarding the practice of criminalization of persons with mental illness. Topics investigated include the history of criminalization of persons with mental illness, constitutional issues, law enforcement responses to persons with mental illness, mentally ill offenders in jails and prisons, civil commitment, mental health courts and community supervision strategies.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 382 Criminal Justice Ethics 3 Credits

The personal, social and criminal justice contexts for understanding justice, crime and ethics. Skills necessary to deal effectively with ethical issues in criminal justice systems. Problems and case studies for active exploration of social issues.

Prerequisite: minimum grade of C in CRJ 121 and CRJ 222.

Fulfills College Core: Ethics

Offered: once a year.

CRJ 386 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems 3 Credits

Examines criminal justice systems across the globe including their historical significance and policy implications. Students will also analyze international and transnational crimes within the context of globalization. Students will understand diversity by analyzing similarities and differences across criminal justice systems within the broad categories of policing, legal institutions and correctional structures.

Prerequisite: CRJ 222.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 390 Current Issues in Criminalistics 3 Credits

Application of the science to the recognition, documentation, preservation, and analysis in the process of collecting physical evidence as it relates to crime, criminal law and criminal procedure. Topics discussed include evidence collection, analysis, criminal procedure and criminal justice, including civil rights.

Prerequisite: CRJ 121 and CRJ 222.

Offered: occasionally.

CRJ 455 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice 3 Credits

This is a senior-level course that allows students to review, analyze, integrate, and apply the knowledge and skills they have developed while completing the Criminal Justice degree. As part of the course, the students will complete a policy paper demonstrating mastery of their study program.

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of C- in CRJ 325.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive, Justice

Offered: every fall & spring.

CRJ 498 Criminal Justice Internship 3-15 Credits

Opportunity for selected students to participate in daily work of law enforcement agencies, courts, law firms, and social service agencies. Students must apply the semester before they take the internship.

Prerequisite: minimum GPA of 3.0, junior or senior status, & signature of major advisor.

Offered: fall & spring.

CRJ 499 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies allow in-depth study of a specific topic and are most often reserved for seniors who cannot otherwise fulfill a graduation requirement. Independent studies require an application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: permission of the instructor, department chair, & associate dean.

Offered: fall & spring.