Secondary Education - EDS

EDS 101 Human Growth and Social Development: Adolescence 3 Credits

Introduces human developmental processes and variations in the middle and high school years including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional perspectives. Effects of behavioral and cognitive processes, motivation, and diversity on student performance will be emphasized.

Fulfills College Core: Field 5 (Social Sciences)

Offered: fall.

EDS 223 Foundations of Adolescent Literacy 3 Credits

Focuses on three strands of literacy teaching for adolescent students: strategies for developing reading and writing skills in all secondary content areas, methods for reading and writing in inquiry projects, and pedagogical practices for integrating critical literacy in all secondary classrooms. Requires 20 hours of field placement.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive

Offered: fall.

EDS 360 Evaluation and Teaching Strategies 3 Credits

Addresses instructional planning, curriculum development, formal and informal assessment methods and reflecting on one's own teaching practice. Highlights instruction modifications and various resources to enhance teaching. Requires 30 hours of field placement.

EDS 390 Cognition, Learning and Assessment of Adolescence 3 Credits

Focuses primarily upon seminal learning theories in order to examine the dynamic nature of knowledge and how changing epistemological positions can affect teaching and learning. Addresses learning processes and the roles that language, motivation, intelligence, creativity and other social processes play in student performance. Emphasis upon instructional design, pedagogical decision making and assessment procedures and instruments.

Offered: every fall.

EDS 402 Methods of Teaching English: Adolescence 3 Credits

Combines theory and practice to encourage sound, research-based pedagogical strategies for the teaching of English Language Arts for middle and high school students. Focuses on available teaching materials and multiple approaches to teaching literature, writing, grammar and language development, as well as technology integration. Effective lesson planning and unit planning are emphasized.

Prerequisite: EDS 360.

Offered: spring only.

EDS 403 Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Adolescence 3 Credits

Combines theory and practice to encourage sound, research-based pedagogical strategies for the teaching of Mathematics for middle and high school students. Focuses on available teaching materials and multiple approaches to teaching, including technology applications. Effective lesson construction and unit planning are emphasized.

Offered: spring only.

EDS 404 Methods of Teaching Modern Languages: Adolescence 3 Credits

Combines theory and practice to encourage sound, research-based pedagogical strategies for the teaching of foreign languages for middle and high school students. Focuses on available teaching materials and multiple approaches to teaching the grammar, literature and culture of French, German, and Spanish-speaking countries, as well as technology integration. Effective lesson planning and unit planning are emphasized.

Prerequisite: EDS 360.

Offered: spring only.

EDS 405 Methods of Teaching Science: Adolescence 3 Credits

This course focuses on developing a rich intellectual life through study, reflection and practice. Students will have discussions on Philosophy of Science, the philosophy of individual science disciplines and pertinent Education Psychology theories as applied to science teaching. Current research-based science teaching techniques will be emphasized. Students will write reflection papers and use these theories and principles in classroom exercises and presentations. Requires a working knowledge of at least one science discipline.

Prerequisite: EDS 360.

Offered: spring only.

EDS 406 Methods of Teaching Social Studies: Adolescence 3 Credits

This course addresses the objectives, methods, curricula, materials and assessment necessary for teaching social studies at the secondary level. Students will examine topics such as teaching for democratic citizenship, authentic instruction and assessment, multicultural social studies curriculum, and technology in the social studies classroom. This course models various instructional strategies and includes practical assignments and experiences for students.

Prerequisite: EDS 360.

Offered: spring only.

EDS 432 Applied Methods of Teaching English: Adolescence 3 Credits

Includes practica and seminars that focus on professional reflection and topics related to classroom management, increasing family involvement, teaching to higher standards and assessment at the adolescent level. Requires 50 hours of field experience.

Prerequisite: EDS 402.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: fall only.

EDS 433 Applied Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Adolescence 3 Credits

Includes practica and seminars that focus on professional reflection and topics related to classroom management, increasing family involvement, teaching to higher standards and assessment at the adolescence level. Requires 50 hours of field experience.

Prerequisite: EDS 403.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: fall only.

EDS 434 Applied Methods of Teaching Modern Languages: Adolescence 3 Credits

Includes practica and seminars that focus on professional reflection and topics related to classroom management, increasing family involvement, teaching to higher standards and assessment at the adolescence level. Requires 50 hours of field experience.

Prerequisite: EDS 404.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: fall only.

EDS 435 Applied Methods of Teaching Science: Adolescence 3 Credits

Includes practica and seminars that focus on professional reflection and topics related to classroom management, increasing family involvement, teaching to higher standards and assessment at the adolescence level. Requires 50 hours of field experience.

Prerequisite: EDS 405.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: fall only.

EDS 436 Applied Methods of Teaching Social Studies 3 Credits

Includes practica and seminars that focus on professional reflection and topics related to teaching diverse students, authentic intellectual work, classroom management, and teaching to higher standards. Requires 50 hours of field experience.

Prerequisite: EDS 406.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: fall only.

EDS 493 Supervised Student Teaching 12 Credits

Highlights knowledge, skills and dispositions of professional educators. Two full-time seven-week placements in adolescent classrooms require candidates to become the instructional leader under the supervision of cooperating teachers and college faculty.

Prerequisite: minimum GPA of 2.70, minimum grade of C in each required subject area course (modern language majors must also pass oral proficiency interview), minimum grade of C in each required education course, interview. Some schools may require certain health tests. Corequisite: EDU 497 & EDU 498. Restriction: no other courses allowed.

Offered: generally spring but occasionally fall (for special cases).

EDS 499 Independent Study 3 Credits

Independent studies require an application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: permission of the instructor, department chair, & associate dean.