Environmental Studies - EVST
EVST 110 Science of Environmental Problems I 3 Credits
Environmental problems are defined as problems that result from interactions between humans and the natural environment. This course is designed to provide a conceptual framework for understanding and analyzing environmental problems, an introduction to the scientific basis of key environmental problems, and an introduction to scientific solutions to environmental problems.
Fulfills College Core: Field 6 (Natural Sciences)
EVST 111 Science of Environmental Problems II 3 Credits
This course is designed to provide a conceptual framework for understanding and analyzing environmental problems, to the scientific basis of key environmental problems abnd their solutions. An extension from EVST 110.
Fulfills College Core: Field 6 (Natural Sciences)
EVST 235 Environmental Policy 3 Credits
This course key issues within environmental policy. As well as exploring the history and origins of policy, we will explore some of the key debates such as eco-centrism versus anthropocentrism, animal rights, global justice and our obligations to future generations. Key concepts will include local, state, national, and internation policy perspectives; views of democrac and social justice. Reference will be made to other strands of environmental policy and contemporary political theory such as liberalism, socialism, feminism, nationalism and anarchism.
Offered: Fall
EVST 250 Narratives of Nature and Culture 3 Credits
Narratives--stories--are one of the primary tools humans use to shape their understanding of themselves and their environment. Course examines non-fiction, creative non-fiction and fictional narratives to identify origins and elaborations of stories we tell about nature and culture as they impact our relationships to our environments.
Prerequisites: ENG 111 and ENG 112 or HON 101.
Fulfills College Core: Field 5 (Social Sciences)
Offered: once a year.
EVST 259 Environmental History of the United States 3 Credits
This course examines the evolving relationship between humans and the nonhuman natural world in the United States. Topics include the ecological implications of the arrival of African and European peoples in North America, westward expansion, impacts of industrialization, the industrialization of agriculture, and the development of ecological consciousness.
Fulfills College Core: Field 4 (History)
EVST 300 Special Topics The Ecology of Nature and Identity 3 Credits
Ecology is defined as the study of relationships. Do we really understand the full significance and complexity of the idea that all life is interconnected? How do factors such as race, class, sex, gender, age, physical abilities, consciousness and intellect shape our access and relationship(s) with nature and “others”? This course works to reconsider and possibly revise the ways in which we “identify” with the natural world and to “others” in all forms both nonhuman and human. Travel is required in early January. Students are responsible for arranging and covering the costs of their travel to our meeting point in the Everglades as well as their return travel after. The course has an additional fee to cover costs of programming. Students will also meet regularly prior to and following travel to engage with course material. Throughout the travel and campus-based components, students will read narratives about authors’ relationship with the environment, connect with unique ecosystems, and reflect on their individual place in ecology.
Fulfills College Core: Field 6 (Natural Sciences)
Offered: occasionally.
EVST 360 Environmental Health 3 Credits
Environmental effects on human health, including biological, physical and chemical hazards in water soil, and air. Course focuses on public health and epidemiological study approaches. Emerging issues also discussed.
Offered: occasionally.
EVST 498 Internship 1-3 Credits
Students will have the opportunity to participate in the daily work of an environmental agency or organization. Students assume responsibility for daily work and, upon agreement with the instructor and site supervisor, a reflection journal, a research paper and 120 hours of work on-site.
Prerequisite: permission of chair & associate dean.
Offered: every fall, spring, & summer.
EVST 499 Independent Study 1-4 Credits
Study and work with a faculty supervisor. Project to be determined by faculty agreement. Independent studies require an application and approval by the associate dean.
Prerequisite: permission of the instructor, department chair, & associate dean.