Fine Arts - Studio Arts - FAS
FAS 110 Two-Dimensional Design 3 Credits
Investigation of the formal elements and principles of design in two dimensions. Hands-on studio environment with computer-based assignments will involve students in practical and creative solutions to design problems.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: fall, spring & summer.
FAS 120 Drawing I 3 Credits
Investigation of the formal, material, and historical fundamentals of drawing. Exercises with dry and wet media progress through perceptual rendering, collage, narrative, and imaginative drawing.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: fall, spring & summer.
FAS 130 Three-Dimensional Design 3 Credits
Investigation of the formal elements and principles of design in three dimensions and their relationship with the space they occupy. Particular emphasis is placed on material and presentation.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: fall & summer.
FAS 131 Sculpture I 3 Credits
Emphasis on traditional techniques. Assignments cover specific materials (plaster, wood, styrofoam, metal, paper) and particular techniques (armature construction, wood working, riveting, and mold making).
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 141 Digital Photography 3 Credits
Review basic photo skills as they relate to the operation of digital cameras. Students are introduced to the digital workflow using Photoshop to develop a personal style that is reflected in a printed and digital portfolio. No prior photo experience necessary.
Restriction: must have a D-SLR camera (digital single lens reflex camera).
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: fall, spring & summer; online.
FAS 142 Travel Photography 3 Credits
Learn how to navigate location shoots and capture the spirit of the specific culture in front of you. Find the right location shots, maximize the light situations regardless of climate or time of day and learn proper ethical behavior for photojournalists. Review basic camera operations for both film and digital picture taking. Additional travel fee required, please contact the instructor for more information. Fee covers travel, lodging, and meals.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: every spring.
FAS 150 Color 3 Credits
Combines in-depth color theory with design and composition making learned through traditional studio set- ups and contemporary computer applications.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 160 Printmaking I 3 Credits
Introduction to the history and processes of basic printmaking, including relief printing, monoprints, pronto plate lithography, "image-on" intaglio, and other photo- sensitive and non-toxic processes.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 170 Studio Painting I 3 Credits
Investigation of the formal, material, and historical fundamentals of painting. Exercises in watercolor and acrylic paint progress through grisaille, monochromatic, limited palette, and full palette treatments of subject matters.
Fulfills College Core: Field 3 (Literature and the Arts)
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 220 Comics Workshop 3 Credits
This course is intended to give students hands-on experience writing and drawing comics with an emphasis on storytelling techniques unique to the medium. We will explore a wide variety of examples from the comics canon in order to illustrate abstract techniques discussed in Scott McCloud's Making Comics. Students will be given drawing assignments in order to develop an understanding of the workflow and creative tools needed to make comics as well as the sense of storytelling flow and of symbolic shorthand necessary in order to become an efficient comic artist.
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 241 Intermediate Photography 3 Credits
For students with some experience with photography. Students should have a basic level understanding of camera function and an introductory level functionality in Photoshop.
Offered: occasionally.
FAS 496 Internship 3 Credits
Internships require an application and approval by the chair and the associate dean.
Prerequisite: permission of the chair & associate dean.
Offered: occasionally.