Entrepreneurship - ENT

ENT 101 Experiential Entrepreneurship: Creativity, Innovation, Opportunity, and Idea Generation 3 Credits

Provides a broad introduction to entrepreneurship and prepares students for developing a mindset for thinking creatively, using innovation, recognizing opportunities and generating entrepreneurial ideas. Other topics include strategic and tactical planning and entrepreneurial activities of an actual business enterprise. Students will participate in the "Business Idea Elevator Pitch Competition." Open to business and non-business majors including students from the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education and Human Services.

Fulfills College Core: Oral Communication

Offered: every spring.

ENT 110 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Provides an insight into fundamentals of entrepreneurship with hands-on learning about the entrepreneurial mid-set and life, creativity, innovation, ideation, marketing, process of evaluating new venture opportunities, and pathways to entrepreneurial ventures. Open to business and non-business majors.

Offered: every spring.

ENT 201 Entrepreneurial Mind-Set and Foundations 3 Credits

Provides an understanding of the entrepreneurial process from both conceptual and applied perspectives. Topics include creativity, innovation, the characteristics of entrepreneurs, common issues encountered by entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial marketing, entrepreneurial finance, and organizational strategies for new business enterprises. Students will engage in entrepreneurial projects. Open to business and non-business majors.

Offered: every fall.

ENT 311 Entrepreneurship and Family Business 3 Credits

Provides students with an understanding of key concepts related to and challenges faced by family businesses. Students will learn about ways to foster healthy family businesses through the use of innovative tools and via hands-on learning. The course will explore how the dynamics of a family unit can both help and hinder the success of a business organization. Issues such as mentoring, succession planning and family creeds and councils, and the special problems of family businesses and other closely- held corporations will be explored. Attention will also be devoted to family business planning, effective governance approaches in family businesses, preparing heirs for entry into and management of family firms, and tax and compensation planning.

Prerequisite: ENT 110 or MGT 101, or by permission of the instructor. Restriction: junior or senior standing.

Offered: every fall.

ENT 312 International Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Explores international entrepreneurship -- its dimensions and importance -- and how it differs from other areas of international business. Students learn to identify and analyze information available for entrepreneurs seeking to move internationally and to address the important strategic issues in international entrepreneurship. May be used as ENT and/or IBUS elective.

Prerequisite: ENT 110 or MGT 101, or by permission of the instructor. Restriction: junior or senior standing.

Offered: occasionally.

ENT 314 Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability 3 Credits

This practitioner-oriented course focuses on innovative, values-driven organizations which have explicit civic missions or social purposes and which are most typically associated with the not-for-profit sector of the economy. The chief aims of the course are to help students understand and appreciate the role of the nonprofit sector in creating societal wealth in the economy, to engage participants in institutional efforts to create a good society through exposure to the work of these organization, and to have students consider a variety of forms of involvement available to aspiring entrepreneurs in preparing for leadership roles in their communities.

Prerequisite: ENT 110 or MGT 101, or by permission of the instructor. Restriction: junior or senior standing.

Offered: every spring.

ENT 315 Business Incubation From Concept to Creation 3 Credits

Capstone course required of all entrepreneurship majors at the end of the program. Students develop an original idea for a new venture and write a comprehensive business plan for that venture. Students will compare stage-gate models such as Lean Startup, and Design Thinking to understand nuances between different startup validation processes. Topics include market research, feasibility analysis, the Business Model Canvas, funding strategies, operational planning, and go-to-market execution. The course culminates in a final pitch, preparing students for real-world incubation and scaling. Students must participate in the New York State Business Plan Competition and engage in other real world activities to complete this course to get a final grade during the following spring semester.

Prerequisite: ECO 101, ECO 102, ACC 201 and FIN 201.

Offered: occasionally.

ENT 320 Social Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Social entrepreneurship is a relatively recent business and research field that explores the practice of identifying, starting and developing successful entrepreneurial ventures that strive to advance social changes through innovative solutions. This course introduces students to both theory and practice of social entrepreneurship and provides them with the knowledge and abilities required for thinking entrepreneurial with a socially conscious business mindset.

Offered: occasionally.

ENT 401 Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship 3 Credits

Focuses on the most common problems encountered by owners, managers, and entrepreneurs in organizing and operating small enterprises. Topics include creativity, and innovation; entrepreneurial strategy; pursuing new venture opportunities; the new venture business plan; creative small business marketing; innovative small business management; financial management in the entrepreneurial firms; and legal requirements. Students will obtain entrepreneurial experience through working with entrepreneurs and small business enterprises.

Prerequisite: either ENT 201 or MGT 101, ACC 201, & MKT 201. Entrepreneurship majors must complete ENT 201. Restriction: junior standing or higher.

Offered: every spring.

ENT 402 Building a Business: From Idea to Venture Creation 3 Credits

Capstone course required of all entrepreneurship majors at the end of the program. Students develop an original idea for a new venture and write a comprehensive business plan for that venture. An integration of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. The course focuses on identifying opportunities for a new venture and the process of starting and growing a new business. The business plan will apply key principles and concepts to real world situations. Students must participate the New York State Business Plan Competition and other required activities to complete this course to get a final grade during the following spring semester. Please note that this class counts as an Entrepreneurship Major Capstone class, but does NOT count toward the Canisius Core Curriculum.

Prerequisite: ENT 401 or MGT 101, ACC 201 and MKT 201. Restriction: junior or senior standing.

Offered: every fall.

ENT 410 Launching and Growing Entrepreneurship Ventures 3 Credits

Identify and evaluate an idea, assess the market, business planning and analysis applied to launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures. Topics include the lean launch pad, business plan, starting a small business, competitive analysis, strategic and managerial analyses, understanding the process of raising capital and how to speak to investors, and professional presentation methods. The class also provides interactive with entrepreneurs and local entrepreneurship professionals.

Prerequisites: ENT 110 or the combination of MGT 101, MKT 201, and ACC 201.

Offered: every fall.

ENT 495 WNY Prosperity Internship 3 Credits

WNY Prosperity Internship.

Offered: occasionally.

ENT 496 Internship in Entrepreneurship 1-3 Credits

Non-routine job experiences that link specific entrepreneurship topics and academic concepts with practical experience. Requires supervision by faculty and student demonstration of academic value through papers and reports. Internships require an application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: student must complete a WSB Internship Application and obtain permission of a faculty supervisor, department chair, & the associate dean.

Offered: fall, spring, & summer.

ENT 499 Entrepreneurship Independent Study 1-4 Credits

Limited availability and only available by application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: student must complete a WSB Independent Study Application and obtain permission of a faculty supervisor, department chair, & the associate dean.

Offered: occasionally.