Religious Studies and Theology Minor


The Religious Studies and Theology Minor complements well the study of many other disciplines. 

Students are encouraged to meet with the chair or relevant professor to design a minor that aligns with their interests. We particularly encourage minors to choose courses that integrate with their major, for example, world religions alongside international relations or courses on religion and science, biomedical issues, and the environment for science majors.

Minors are an important part of the undergraduate curriculum.  If students declare a minor by sophomore year, they can usually complete it in a timely manner.  Students should work with their advisor to determine if it is possible that the minor can be completed by graduation.  

To receive a minor, a student must complete at least 9 credit hours of coursework distinct from their major(s) and from other minors, and students must complete more than 50% of the coursework required for the minor at Canisius. Please note that “ancillary/supporting” courses required for a major may still count as distinct courses as long as the remaining coursework still meets the 30 credit-hours required for a major. For more information about minor policies, please see the Declaring Majors and Minors page in the catalog.


The minor requires five courses.

Required Course
RST 101Introduction to Religious Studies and Theology3
4 upper level (200 or above) RST courses 12
Total Credits15


RST 101 Introduction to Religious Studies and Theology 3 Credits

An academic introduction to the nature and role of religion in human life and society, including the Jesuit and Catholic traditions as well as other world religions.

Offered: fall & spring.

RST 150 Exploring Your Spirituality: Discovering Your Personal Relationship with God 1 Credit

The course is intended to help students establish and/or re-kindle a sense of spirituality in their lives. Through the course, students will develop an understanding of their personal spirituality and unique relationship with God.

Corequisite: none.

Offered: occasionally.

RST 200 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible 3 Credits

Introduction to the literature of the Hebrew Bible within its ancient Near Eastern setting. Particular attention paid to historical, literary, cultural, and theological questions.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 201 Introduction to the New Testament 3 Credits

Introduction to the literature of the New Testament, the socio-historical context that produced it, and its use as a historical source for the study of the early Christian movement.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 219 History of Eastern Orthodox Christianity 3 Credits

Historical study of Eastern Christian Churches.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 220 Religions of Asia 3 Credits

This survey course will introduce students to the range and complexity of some of the religious traditions associated with South, Southeast and East Asia. Students will encounter a wide variety of primary and secondary sources describing these religious traditions and experiences, including sacred texts, mythology, medieval devotional poetry, and more.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 221 Native American Religions 3 Credits

The nature of indigenous religions in Native American societies and the effect of cultural change through contact with other cultures.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Diversity, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 224 Islam: Tradition and Revival 3 Credits

In this course, after an introduction to the foundations of Islam, we will investigate this diversity through the study of Islamic scriptures, Muslim cultures, social institutions, religious practices, and Muslim and Western writings about them in order to better understand Islam and Muslims in the U.S. and throughout the world. Also accepted for Anthropology major and minor credit.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 229 Religious Perspectives on Animals 3 Credits

This course will focus on the historical and cultural relationship between the world's religions and the animal realm.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 230 Catholic Belief Today 3 Credits

Based on the Creed, this course examines the fundamental articles of faith. They include faith itself, the Bible, church tradition; the one God as Trinity, revealed in Jesus, and present through the Holy Spirit; the church as a structured and prayerful community, with seven sacraments.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 231 Introduction to Catholic Studies 3 Credits

Major movements and personalities in Catholic theology, history, culture, and spirituality. How the Catholic church came to be what it is today. The Catholic world-view and its relation to modern society.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 237 Images of Jesus in Film and Art 3 Credits

Development of artistic representations of Jesus and other Biblical persons along with Christian concepts and themes. Selection of European and American films as well as pertinent art from Western Christianity.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 304 Women, Gender, and Religion: Judaism, Christianity, Islam 3 Credits

This course examines the role of sacred texts and their interpretation in defining both women’s roles and their status as “women,” particularly in terms of their bodies, in three related religious traditions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Emphasis will be placed on contemporary women’s re-interpretation and formation of positive female expressions of religious identity over and against patriarchal traditions and practices.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON 111.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 312 Race, Ethnicity, and the New Testament 3 Credits

This course will examine parts of the New Testament that engage issues of race and ethnicity, both to understand their ancient roots and their role in American history of slavery and civil rights. Attention will also be paid to the construction of anti-Semiticism in Christianity from these passages.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON 111.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 314 New Testament in Literature and Art 3 Credits

New Testament themes and personalities analyzed from a scriptural perspective and compared with expressions in the arts. Relationship of religion and art, scriptural roots of Christian art.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 325 Early Christianity 3 Credits

Historical study of the development of Christianity from its first century roots to its rise as the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 340 Moral Issues Today 3 Credits

Inquiry into Catholic theological moral theories and exploration of several moral problems.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Ethics, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 341 Catholic Social Ethics: Theological Perspectives 3 Credits

Study of the principles of Catholic Social Teachings articulated in papal and episcopal documents with contemporary applications.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Advanced Writing-Intensive, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Justice

Offered: occasionally.

RST 345 Bio-Moral Problems 3 Credits

Inquiry into Catholic theological moral theories and application of theories to problems raised by bioethics and by health care.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Ethics, Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 347 Ecotheology 3 Credits

Critical investigation of Christian theologies’ messages about and methods of engaging environments.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Oral Communication

Offered: occasionally.

RST 355 The Problem of Suffering 3 Credits

Suffering confronts each individual in illness, broken relationships, failures, drug abuse and death. The course addresses how God is active even in suffering.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology)

Offered: occasionally.

RST 360 Magic, Science and Religion 3 Credits

This course will introduce students to some of the diverse ways that cultures of the world create meaning from the chaos of the apprehended world, as well as some of the approaches that scholars of religion utilize to understand those processes. We will focus not only on 'exotic' societies and peoples, but also explore the meanings of magic, science and religion in more familiar contemporary North America.

Prerequisite: RST 101 or HON equivalent.

Fulfills College Core: Field 1 (Religious Studies and Theology), Global Awareness

Offered: occasionally.

RST 496 Internship 3 Credits

Combination of teaching or religious work with special readings and theological reflection, under the guidance of department faculty. Internships require an application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: RST 101 & permission of both the department chair & associate dean. Must be a religious studies and theology minor.

Offered: fall & spring.

RST 499 Independent Study 1-3 Credits

Independent studies allow in-depth study of a specific topic and are most often reserved for seniors who cannot otherwise fulfill a graduation requirement. Independent studies require an application and approval by the associate dean.

Prerequisite: permission of the instructor, department chair, & associate dean.