Educational Leadership and Supervision

Program Director: Meg Keller-Cogan Ed.D.

Instructors:  Jo Ann Balazs J.D.,  Marie Balen Ed.D., John Brucato,  Kia Evans, Meg Keller-Cogan Ed.D.,   Steven Metzger Ph.D., Darlynda Miktuk Ph.D., Christopher Miller Ed.D.

Degree: Master of Science

Certificates:  School Building Leader (SBL), School District Leader (SDL);  and School District Business Leader (SDBL)


Education leaders have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of countless numbers of students, school communities and ultimately, the quality of life for those served. Effective leaders have excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills.  They understand the conditions that optimize student learning and can coach others to promote success.  Successful school and district-based leaders also possess sophisticated decision-making and problem solving skills, can effectively analyze data to prioritize efforts and resources, and are politically savvy.

Students in the Canisius University Educational Leadership Program should be educators with proven classroom and student effectiveness and see the evidence of the above characteristics within themselves.

Our  fully online, asynchronous program is designed to assist candidates to acquire the knowledge, skills and dispositions essential for a successful career as a school, district  or business office leader. Successful  program completion leads to a New York State School Building Leader license (SBL), a New York State School District Leader license (SDL),  a New York State School District Business Leader (SDBL) or a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Students may apply for the SBL, SDL, or SDBL  certificates upon completion of the required courses and internship. The MS in Educational Leadership is not required for leadership certification.

Possession of the SBL certificate is necessary for employment in NYS public schools for building principal. assistant principal or any building-level administrative  position.  The SDL is required for individuals who seek superintendencies, deputy, associate or assistant superintendent roles, or any position with district-wide administrative responsibilities. The SDBL allows certificate holders to become Assistant Superintendents of Business or Directors of Business.

The Master’s degree in Educational Leadership may not be used to meet New York State requirements for professional certification in teaching.

Course Offerings

All of the required courses for the SBL SDL,  SDBL and Masters are taught in an online, asynchronous format.  Electives required for the MS may be selected by the student from two of the SDBL courses or an array of other graduate departments with permission from Dr. Keller-Cogan. Internship placements for all certificate holders are coordinated with the candidate and take place at a site in the candidate’s local geographic area.

Licensure Disclosure

Canisius University cannot determine whether completion of this program would be sufficient to meet licensure requirements outside of New York State for the intended occupation. We advise you to contact your state licensing board or appropriate licensing entity to determine whether the program meets requirements for Professional Licensure in the state where you are located or the state in which you intend to pursue licensure. Please contact the associate dean of your school if you have further questions.

Grade Requirements

Graduate students enrolled in initial certification programs must achieve a C or above in all course requirements and a B- or above in all graduate program coursework. Failure to meet these requirements will require repeating the course &/or completing additional coursework.

Admission Requirements

The applicant must submit the following:

  • Free Online Application
  • Bachelor's Degree Transcript. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable to begin the admissions review process. However, in order to be endorsed for licensure at the conclusion of the program, all students must have submitted their official transcripts. Applicants are expected to have earned a 3.0 undergraduate GPA, as required by New York State law. Applicants with less than a 3.0 undergraduate GPA will undergo additional review.
  • Master's Degree Transcript. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable to begin the admissions review process. However, in order to be endorsed for licensure at the conclusion of the program, all students must have submitted their official transcripts. and indicate the conferral of a Master's degree from an accredited institution of higher education, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
  • Submission of a Verification of Teaching/Pupil Personnel Experience Form (PDF) or NYS Professional Certification which requires three (3) years of successful full-time teaching and/or pupil personnel service experience (e.g., school counselor) in Pre K-12 schools.1
  • Submission of three (3) Recommendation Forms (PDF) or letters of recommendation from current or past education supervisors
  • Submission of an essay using the prompt provided by the Admissions Office.
  • Transfer students who began graduate studies in other certificate or Masters programs are regularly accepted into this program. However, we require that 50% of the total number of required credits be taken at Canisius. For example, those interested in earning an SBL certificate (26 total credits) are required to take a minimum of 13 credits at Canisius. If an applicant earned a SBL certificate at another institution and is seeking to matriculate into Canisius for the SDL, a minimum of six (6) total credits must be taken.  No additional internship is required if the prior internship met NYS requirements.
  • Students in the Educational Administration program must have earned a minimum of 60 graduate credits (combination of all graduate work) in order to be endorsed for a NYS administrative license.
  • An applicant may be required to meet with the program director.
  • Canadian and other international applicants must provide a completed Certification of Finances form.

These forms are available in the Office of the School of Education and Human Services and on the program web site.


We offer the following three certificates and a master's program in Educational Leadership and Supervision.

Please note students must obtain a minimum of 60 Graduate credits for NYS SDL administrative certification. For planning purposes courses in any of our advanced certificates or masters programs may be taken in any order. All courses are typically offered in either of two 5-week summer sessions. During fall and spring,  generally half of the courses are offered during each term.   

School Building Leader (SBL)

Earn a school Building Leader (SBL) certificate to hold positions up to a school principal 

Required courses for New York State License as a School Building Leader (SBL) (18 credit hours of course work plus internship):

EDA 600Theory in Educational Administration3
EDA 610School Law3
EDA 620Supervision for the Improvement of Instruction3
EDA 625Instructional Program Design3
EDA 630School Personnel Administration3
EDA 650The Principalship3
EDA 690The Administrative Internship8
EDA 690LInternship Lab0
Total Credits26

 School District Leader (SDL)

Earn a School District Leader (SDL) Certificate (two course beyond the SBL) to hold positions up to a superintendent of schools

Earn both an SDL and an SDBL to hold positions including all district level positions such as superintendent AND assistant superintendent for school business operations  

Required courses for New York State License as a School District Leader (SDL):

Required courses for New York State License as a School Building Leader (SBL)
EDA 600Theory in Educational Administration3
EDA 610School Law3
EDA 620Supervision for the Improvement of Instruction3
EDA 625Instructional Program Design3
EDA 630School Personnel Administration3
EDA 650The Principalship3
EDA 690The Administrative Internship8
EDA 690LInternship Lab0
Plus, required courses for New York State License as a School District Leader (SDL)
EDA 640School Business Administration3
EDA 660The Administrator & Pupil Personnel Services3
Total Credits32

School District Business Leader (SDBL)

Earn a School District Business Leader (SDBL) to hold district level positions up to assistant superintendent of school business operations.  Students may apply to this program with education certification OR a business background e.g., MBA/accounting or business administration degree.  All transcripts are reviewed to determine which courses are required and the number of internship hours needed.

Earn both an SDL and an SDBL to hold positions including all district level positions such as superintendent AND assistant superintendent for school business operations  

Required courses for New York State License as a School District Business Leader
EDA 595School District Business Leader Internship (SLDC)5
EDA 610School Law3
EDA 630School Personnel Administration3
EDA 640School Business Administration3
EDA 645Contract Negotiations and Strategic Financial Planning (may be used as a Masters elective)3
EDA 665School Business Operations (may be used as a Masters elective)3
EDA 690LInternship Lab0
Total Credits20

 Master's in Educational Leadership and Supervision

Required courses for New York State License as a School Building Leader (SBL)
EDA 600Theory in Educational Administration3
EDA 610School Law3
EDA 620Supervision for the Improvement of Instruction3
EDA 625Instructional Program Design3
EDA 630School Personnel Administration3
EDA 650The Principalship3
EDA 690The Administrative Internship8
EDA 690LInternship Lab0
Required courses for New York State License as a School District Leader (SDL)
EDA 640School Business Administration3
EDA 660The Administrator & Pupil Personnel Services3
Educational Leadership Electives
Select three electives. Students may elect to declare a content concentration as described below 19
Total Credits41

Candidates may choose not to declare a concentration but may select any of the concentration courses to satisfy the elective requirement.

Concentration: Educational Technologies and Emerging Media

Select three of the following:9
Learning with Technology
Instructional Design Theories and Models
Instructional Design and Emerging Technology
Integrating Technology into Differentiated Settings
Total Credits9

Concentration: Athletics Administration

PEG 620Leadership In Physical Education and Athletics3
PEG 635Administrative Principles of Physical Education/Athletics3
PEG 681Legal Aspects in Physical Education and Athletics3
Total Credits9

Concentration: Instructional Leadership

EDDI 505Introduction to Differentiated Instruction3
EDDI 585Integrating Technology in the Differentiated Classroom3
TESL 590Foundations of Bilingual Education3
Total Credits9

School District Leader (SDL) certification requires at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit. 


EDA 595 School District Business Leader Internship (SLDC) 5 Credits

EDA 595 is the internship requirement course for students earning a School District Business Leader (SLDC) certificate.

Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of two School District Business Leader courses.

Offered: every fall, spring, & summer.

EDA 600 Theory in Educational Administration 3 Credits

This course is designed as an introductory course in school administration. The course is intended to give students an overview of the forces that influence education . Students will investigate leadership and management styles, forces that influence change, organizational models, and schools in the 21st century. Candidates will explore theories that influence schools and educational programs. Topics such as organizational models, characteristics of leadership, change systems, vision development, and school design may be investigated. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either Fall or Spring and each Summer.

EDA 610 School Law 3 Credits

School leaders are facing an ever-increasing demand to make appropriate and legal educational decisions. To assist in this endeavor, one must have a working knowledge of basic school law. The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of how laws affect schools and are applied to school situations. A focus on practical acts of school law is emphasized.Students will learn the principles of public school law with a focus on New York State Education Law and selected federal and state cases impacting the administration of the educational system. Topics include, but are not limited to, student residency, attendance and discipline; freedom of speech; search and seizure; FERPA; IDEA; LRE; and employee rights. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either Fall or Spring and each Summer.

EDA 620 Supervision for the Improvement of Instruction 3 Credits

This course will focus on the critical role of effective instructional supervision in the development of a positive school culture. Students will examine professional development, observation procedures and theory, and formative and summative teacher evaluation processes. Supervision strategies will be explored including: mentoring and peer coaching, as well as clinical supervision. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree. Available online only.

Offered: Either Fall or Spring and each Summer.

EDA 625 Instructional Program Design 3 Credits

This course will provide students with a comprehensive overview of the concepts, strategies, and resources associated with planning, implementing, and evaluating curriculum. Candidates will investigate the historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, and political factors associated with various curricula. Additional attention will be focused on various techniques to customize learning experiences and professional development activities to successfully support instructional change. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either Fall or Spring and each Summer.

EDA 630 School Personnel Administration 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of school personnel leadership, including the myriad of duties and responsibilities of the office of human resources. Candidates gain the knowledge, skills, and attributes involved in leading both certificated and non-certificated staff. Issues related to leadership and organization of school personnel will be addressed. Exploration of topics such as staff recruitment and selection; induction; professional development; supervision and evaluation; discipline and dismissal; the work environment; compensation and benefits; administering employee contracts; and legal issues in personnel management will be included. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either Fall or Spring and each Summer.

EDA 640 School Business Administration 3 Credits

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the major areas of responsibility of the school business administrator. Financial support for public schools from local, state, and federal governments will be studied. Fiscal planning, budgeting, plant management, accounting and purchasing procedures, distribution of supplies and services, transportation and food service will be examined. The course will underscore the crucial role of the school business administrator as a key member of the district's leadership team. The course is also designed to provide candidates with an understanding of how the school business administrator can facilitate educational decision-making, thereby having a positive effect on student learning. Required for SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either fall or spring and each summer.

EDA 645 Contract Negotiations and Strategic Financial Planning 3 Credits

In most public school districts throughout New York State, 70% or more of the budget is related to personnel and benefits. Whether you are the lead negotiator or projecting the financial impact in the background, the role of a School Business Official is crucial to negotiations and how the decisions made today affect a District’s financial health in the future.

Prerequisite: none.

Offered: Every summer and either fall or spring.

EDA 650 The Principalship 3 Credits

This course will provide an overview of the the wide range of responsibilities of building principals. Topics include establishing a common vision, working collaboratively to achieve common goals, developing a learner-centered school culture, planning for the improvement of instruction, school finance management, supervising employees, providing a safe school environment, promoting student health and welfare, and initiating, managing, and evaluating change. Required for SBL, SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either fall or spring and each summer.

EDA 660 The Administrator & Pupil Personnel Services 3 Credits

This course provides the necessary background and basic understanding of the quantitative and qualitative dimensions of pupil personnel services (PPS). The role of the building and district administration will be reviewed. Students will learn about New York State pupil personnel services mandates. The 'language' of pupil personnel services as it relates to special education, academic intervention services, testing and assessments, and counseling services will be explored. Required for SDL and Master's degree.

Offered: Either fall or spring and each summer.

EDA 665 School Business Operations 3 Credits

The role of a School Business Official expands well beyond finance. Transportation, food service, facilities and technology are oftentimes the responsibility of an SBO. This course is designed to dive into the operational aspects of the position which go far beyond budgeting and finance.

Offered: every summer.

EDA 690 The Administrative Internship 1-8 Credits

The administrative internship requires the application of knowledge and skills, to make successful strategic, instructional, political and organizational decisions. It includes a variety of rigorous leadership experiences in diverse settings planned and guided cooperatively by personnel from Canisius College and cooperating school districts. Interns will be provided substantial responsibilities that increase over time in complexity, and involve direct interaction and involvement with students, staff, parents, and community leaders.

Prerequisite: permission of program director required. Corequisite: EDA 690L.

Offered: either fall or spring and each summer.

EDA 690L Internship Lab 0 Credits

EDA 690L provides students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in strategic, instructional, organizational, and contextual leadership.

Prerequisite: permission of program director required. Corequisite: EDA 690.

Offered: fall, spring & summer.

EDA 699 Independent Study 1-4 Credits

A thesis, research paper, or major project which provides the opportunity to investigate school or district administration of particular interest to the student.

Prerequisite: permission of program director & associate dean required.

Offered: either fall or spring, and each summer.