Making Changes

Change in Registration

Prior to and during the first five days of the fall and spring semesters a student is allowed to drop and add classes. However, once registration has been completed, the student must follow the program of studies shown on the official registration form. See the academic calendar for dates each semester.

Change in Major

A change of major form is available under the Forms heading on the myCanisius portal. The form should be completed by the student and electronically submitted for approval to the Student Records and Financial Services Center. This will ensure that the student’s information is available to the correct academic department(s).

Change in Name, Address, and Phone

It is the responsibility of each student to notify the university of any change of name, address, and/or phone number. Change-of-address forms are available in the Student Records and Financial Services Center and on the myCanisius portal under the FORMS heading.

Withdrawal from a Course

The electronic form is available under the FORMS heading in the portal. A student wishing to withdraw from a course must complete the course withdrawal form before the deadline to start the approval process.

The instructor indicates either approval or disapproval of the student’s request to withdraw. An instructor might disapprove the withdrawal request if there is evidence of academic dishonesty. In cases where the instructor disapproves of the withdrawal, permission to withdraw is determined by the associate dean of the student’s school in consultation with the instructor of the course. Requests for withdrawal are not granted automatically, nor are they denied automatically.

The deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty is the last day of classes of each semester. See the academic calendar for specific dates. Withdrawal from a course results in a grade of “W” (withdrawal) for the course. Failure to submit the withdrawal form results in a grade of “FX” (failure to complete the course). A grade of F will be entered for graduate courses.

Ordinarily, no student will be allowed to withdraw from any course after the deadline. However, in extreme circumstances, a student may request a late withdrawal with the associate dean of their school (or designee). Late withdrawals are intended to accommodate only circumstances that are deemed to be beyond the student’s control. Students requesting a late withdrawal submit a written statement with supporting documentation to their associate dean (or designee) who will confer with the course instructor. The decision of the associate dean (or designee) is final.  Withdrawals will not be granted during final exam week.