Ignatian Studies Minor

The minor in Ignatian Studies allows students to explore the intellectual breadth of a Jesuit liberal arts curriculum beyond what is required in Canisius University’s Core Curriculum. Drawn from a range of departments across the humanities, the courses in this program investigate who we are as human beings, how God informs our understanding of the world, how cultures have analyzed and expressed the nature of existence, and the interplay between faith and reason. The minor is particularly suitable to students in research-intensive and pre-professional majors who wish to engage the foundational issues of Ignatian thought, but lack the curricular flexibility to pursue coursework outside what is required by the Core Curriculum. Students interested in declaring this minor should contact the Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences.  

Minors are an important part of the undergraduate curriculum.  If students declare a minor by sophomore year, they can usually complete it in a timely manner.  Students should work with their advisor to determine if it is possible that the minor can be completed by graduation.  

To receive a minor, a student must complete at least 9 credit hours of coursework distinct from their major(s) and from other minors, and students must complete more than 50% of the coursework required for the minor at Canisius. Please note that “ancillary/supporting” courses required for a major may still count as distinct courses as long as the remaining coursework still meets the 30 credit-hours required for a major. For more information about minor policies, please see the Declaring Majors and Minors page in the catalog.


Two classes each from three of the following areas: 118
Religious Studies (Field 1 or RST course) 2
Philosophy (Field 2 or PHI course) 3
Literature and the Arts (Field 3, ENG, FAH, or ARTS course)
History (Field 4, HIS, or CLS course)

At least three of the six courses must be at the 200-level or above. No more than two courses (six credit hours) may count toward another minor or student’s primary major. Up to four HON courses may count for this minor, assigned based on the home department of the faculty member teaching the course. See list below for which courses count in which areas.


Any RST course except RST 101.


Any PHI course other than PHI 101.


Current classes that count towards the minor include:

Religious Studies (Field 1 or Religious Studies Courses)

Field 1

CLS 309Greek and Roman Religion3
HIS 302Life and Theology in Colonial Atlantic3
IGSR 300Immersion East Side Seminar3
RST 200Introduction to the Hebrew Bible3
RST 201Introduction to the New Testament3
RST 219History of Eastern Orthodox Christianity3
RST 220Religions of Asia3
RST 221Native American Religions3
RST 224Islam: Tradition and Revival3
RST 229Religious Perspectives on Animals3
RST 230Catholic Belief Today3
RST 231Introduction to Catholic Studies3
RST 237Images of Jesus in Film and Art3
RST 304Women, Gender, and Religion: Judaism, Christianity, Islam3
RST 312Race, Ethnicity, and the New Testament3
RST 314New Testament in Literature and Art3
RST 325Early Christianity3
RST 340Moral Issues Today3
RST 341Catholic Social Ethics: Theological Perspectives3
RST 345Bio-Moral Problems3
RST 347Ecotheology3
RST 355The Problem of Suffering3
RST 360Magic, Science and Religion3

Religious Studies

Any RST course except RST 101.

HON Courses

HON 247Islam: Religion, History, and Culture3
HON 248Asian Religions3
HON 249Magic, Science, and Religion3
HON 359Spiritual Autobiography3
HON 363The Bible & Popular Culture3
HON 364Living Religions in Buffalo3
HON 371From Argonaut to Avenger, Son of God to Superhero: Religion, Myth, and the Evolution of the Hero3

Philosophy (Field 2 or Philosophy Courses)

Field 2

PHI 211Philosophy of Religion3
PHI 225Logic3
PHI 240Justice3
PHI 241Ethics: Traditions in Moral Reasoning3
PHI 242Ethical Issues in Business3
PHI 243Bio-Medical Ethics3
PHI 244Environmental Ethics3
PHI 245Animal Ethics3
PHI 246Ethics of Technology3
PHI 247Food and Agricultural Ethics3
PHI 252Happiness, Virtue and the Good Life3
PHI 261Philosophy of Law3
PHI 264Justice & the Environment: The Problem of Climate Change3
PHI 267Faith, Reason, and Justice Catholic Social Thought3
PHI 271Philosophy of Human Rights3
PHI 272Gender and Philosophy3
PHI 273Race and Philosophy3
PHI 274Social and Political Philosophy3
PHI 275Global Feminisms3
PHI 280Philosophy of Mind3
PHI 285Black Philosophy3
PHI 291Philosophy of Art3
PHI 292Philosophy of Beauty3
PHI 293Philosophy of Film3


Any PHI course except PHI 101.


HON 211Living Well3
HON 212Beauty Matters: Philosophical Considerations of Beauty from Ancient Times to the Present Day3
HON 213Debating Dinner: The Philosophy of Eating3
HON 214Sights & Sounds: Philosophy of Film3
HON 215Death and Dying3
HON 216Art in Mind: Philosophical Aesthetics3

Literature and the Arts (Field 3, English, or Fine Arts Courses)

Field 3

CLS 205Ancient Greece: Culture and Society3
CLS 206Ancient Rome: Culture and Society3
CLS 207Mythology and Literature3
CLS 214Greek and Roman Tragedy3
DMA 201Introduction to Digital Media3
DMA 2133D Graphics3
DMA 214Digital Design Concepts3
DMA 310Digital Audio/Music Production3
ENG 202Drama3
ENG 211Science Fiction and Fantasy3
ENG 216Literature and Business3
ENG 217Law and Literature3
ENG 218Literature and Medicine3
ENG 219Literature and Psychology3
ENG 223Images of Women in Literature and Film3
ENG 224The Journey in World Literature3
ENG 225The Journey in American Literature3
ENG 233The Quest in Medieval Literature3
ENG 285Animals in Film and Literature3
ENG 294Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENG 316Revising the American Renaissance3
ENG 319GRace, Ethnicity, and Realism in American Literature 1880 through 19303
ENG 319LRise of the American Novel3
ENG 368Native American Literature3
ENG 369Contemporary American Fiction3
ENG 375US Cold War Culture and Counterculture3
ENG 382African American Literature3
FAH 101Cave Paintings, the Colosseum & Cathedrals3
FAH 102Altarpieces, Academies & the Avant-Garde3
FAH 103Survey of Pre-Columbian and Native American Art3
FAH 109History of Architecture3
FAH 110History of Photography3
FAH 159Gender, Identity, and Art3
FAH 210Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art3
FAH 213Greek and Roman Art3
FAH 224Medieval Art3
FAH 245Renaissance Art3
FAH 248Baroque Art3
FAH 265Contemporary Art3
FAH 267Frank Lloyd Wright3
FAH 271Art in Buffalo3
FAH 272Animals in Art3
FAM 115Fundamentals of Music3
FAM 119Masterpieces of Music3
FAM 122History of Rock and Roll3
FAM 123World Musics3
FAM 124America's Music3
FAM 212Canisius and the BPO Experience3
FAM 213Women in Music3
FAM 217Music of the Baroque Period3
FAM 21919th Century Music3
FAM 220Art Music from 1900 to the Present3
FAM 223The World of Music Theater3
FAS 110Two-Dimensional Design3
FAS 120Drawing I3
FAS 130Three-Dimensional Design3
FAS 131Sculpture I3
FAS 141Digital Photography3
FAS 142Travel Photography3
FAS 150Color3
FAS 160Printmaking I3
FAS 170Studio Painting I3
SPA 336Latinos in the US Latino Literature and Film3
SPA 436Detective Fiction: Murderous Seduction3
SPA 444Magic Realism in Fiction & Film from Latin American Origins to a Global Phenomenon3

English, Fine Arts, and Art History

Any ENG, ARTS, FAH, FAM, FAS courses.


HON 321Critical Issues in the History of Photography3
HON 322Orchestral Music3
HON 326Art Song3
HON 373Living Writers3
HON 383Rock & Roll and Literature3
HON 385Modern Myths and Fairy Tales3
HON 389Nation, Homeland, and Diaspora in Contemporary Middle East Film3
HON 390Contemporary Irish Fiction3

History (Field 4, History, or Classics Courses)

Field 4

CLS 103Greek History3
CLS 104Roman History3
EVST 259Environmental History of the United States3
HIS 106The Medieval World3
HIS 107History of Modern Europe to 18153
HIS 108History of Modern Europe since 18153
HIS 123History of the United States: The Colonial Period to Reconstruction3
HIS 124History of the United States: 1877 to the Present3
HIS 126America's Story II: The Later Years3
HIS 201United States Military History3
HIS 205Race and Ethnicity in the Ancient World3
HIS 206History of the Crusades3
HIS 208America's Story II: The Later Years3
HIS 209History of Asia to 18003
HIS 210History of Asia Since 18003
HIS 211Women In The Western World3
HIS 212Power, Politics, and the People: Nineteenth Century Europe3
HIS 213Europe and the World in a Century of Conflict3
HIS 220The History of Food3
HIS 226History of Ireland3
HIS 229The Violent Century in Films3
HIS 233America and the Holocaust3
HIS 235From Jamestown to Yorktown: Making the United States3
HIS 236From Washington to Lincoln: The Making of American Democracy3
HIS 241Women in American History 1880 to Present3
HIS 255African American History3
HIS 260Canada and the World3
HIS 263Wars of Latin America3
HIS 264Latin American History to 18303
HIS 265Latin American History Since 18303
HIS 280The Making of Modern Africa3
PSC 111Western Political Tradition3

History or Classics

Any HIS or CLS course.


HON 227Vices and Addictions in American Society3
HON 255The Buffalo Experience3